WoW Boardgame second session

A bit late (the game took place the 31th of october of 2008), but I'm catching up with pending photos from the camera :)

With my new "RPG table" (a big 180x120 cms folding table) and a box to store the hundreds of game counters, Luiso, JesusN and I enjoyed a nearly 5 hours playtime on our second WoW boardgame run.

As the most experienced player, Luiso used two characters.

This time we got into harder fights, usually with either stronger enemies, or packs of them

We had to group sometimes to fight them

If I remember well, we reached level 4 (equivalent to level 40 at normal WoW)

And as the last time, when we were starting to have hard quests with unique monsters, time run off and we had to stop playing

I love the game, the only problem it has is that takes a long time to finish the 30 turns it lasts. So if you plan to give it a shot, prepare for a full-day playing session!

WoW Boardgame second session published @ by

Categories: Boardgames World of Warcraft

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