Book review: Siege of Terra: The End and the Death: Volume III

Siege of Terra: The End and the Death: Volume III book cover

Book: Siege of Terra: The End and the Death: Volume III

And here we are, the third and last volume of the last book in the Siege of Terra series, which also represents the last book in The Horus Heresy series. Quite an ending, and most probably also the main reason why splitting in three the final arc of all "Warhammer 30,000" arcs.

As I expected, this title delivers way more of everything: more action, more events, more questions [1]... But we finally get all the myriad story arcs closed at once, some better than others; and, sadly, a few too dull/dry, after so many things have happened, to close certain plots in just a few paragraphs feels... unsatisfying.

But focusing on the main topic of the book, the battle between Horus and The Emperor delivers what you'd expect. It has many stages, and a few of them are a bit bizarre or not of my liking [2], but in general is energetic and exciting, with some twists here and there, despite the end being well known.

The writing is, as usual with Dan Abnett, very good, although I can now confirm that the three volumes contain too many synonyms and adjectives and at times excessively decorated sentences, that I grew tired of checking in the dictionary what some of them meant [3]. Using esoteric words to me does not make a book better, just more complex to read.

Despite the flaws, I'm happy with the read, I don't regret the purchases, and I recommend their reading for anyone wanting to get a vastly longer description of how the Horus Heresy finished.

[1] I don't want to spoil the contents, but certain actions leave questions unanswered (on purpose, of course)

[2] When they decide to play a kind of Magic: The Gathering with custom tarot card decks... 😬

[3] Funnily, My ebook reader's dictionary couldn't find a few of them.

Book review: Siege of Terra: The End and the Death: Volume III published @ by

Categories: Books

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