Imperial Knight almost done + future projects

After more than a year, it looks I might finally be able to finish my Imperial Knight. Right now is only missing some details, the base and transfers, so while has taken me a lot, at least there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Imperial Knight almost finished

Also, I don't usually post images of my custom conversions until I have started painting them because they might take a while... but to not leave this post too short I'm going to show two vehicles I plan to paint soon. They are binded to the other because I wanted to build a Ork looted Leman Russ tak, but just one with some changes wasnt't looking different enought, so after some brainstorming, I came up with the idea of doing like in the old times... using a Rhino for everything. After this devilish mix of the APC and the tank, here are the two creatures...

Ork Dakka Burna Tank

Leman Russ body, Space Marines Rhino sides and tracks, plus some spare tank weapons and "ork panels" that I had let (bought on the net somewhere a while ago).

It was only a bit hard to separate the Rhino tracks from the main body without breaking any of them, everything else went smoothly and the tank captain has a funny crazy pose.

Ork Dakka Burna Tank photo

Ork Dakka Burna Tank photo

Ork Dakka Burna Tank photo

Ork Dakka Burna Tank photo

Ork Dakka Burna Tank photo

Leman Russ Rhino conversion

Space Marines Rhino body, Leman Russ tracks. It is more simple, but I love how just "inverting the tracks" (using Leman Russ ones) creates the feel of a completely different tank, or in my case a different APC.

As the Rhino has the sides "joined" with the tracks I had to improvise, but some spare doors (from other Rhinos) worked fine as walls. I had to make the rear door a bit smaller on the sides but in general was a quick assembly.

Leman Russ Rhino conversion photo

Leman Russ Rhino conversion photo

Leman Russ Rhino conversion photo

Leman Russ Rhino conversion photo

Leman Russ Rhino conversion photo

So... this are two of my three vehicle projects that I plan to paint when I finish with the Knight. The third one is an idea that I had after watching an old movie... but I'll leave the details and photos for when I paint it (it will be the first one of the list).

Imperial Knight almost done + future projects published @ by

Categories: Miniatures Warhammer 40000 Painting

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