- Board & Card Games Exchange
- BoardGameGeek
- BoardGameGeek 1 Player Guild: Rules and tips for single-player gaming sessions
- Boardgames & tools opensource at SourceForge
- HeroQuest (seventhrealm)
- HeroScribe: Multi-platform tool to create maps/quests for HeroQuest.
- HQ-Cooperation: Another HeroQuest site with lots of custom rules, spells and maps
Card Games
- Netrunner Online Hub: News hub for both the old Netrunner and FFG's Android Netrunner
- Netrunner VASSAL module: Play the old Netrunner version via the VASSAL engine, with online matchmaking and deck generation
Comics & Movies
Gaming Aids
- Card Deck: A simple 54 poker card deck drafter.
- Dice Roller: Roll any amount of d2, d3, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100, plus modifiers.
- Dice Roller: From Google, provides d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, plus modifiers.
Miniatures & Painting
- DakkaDakka: Huge community about painting and wargames
- Tabletop Fix: Really good blg to keep up with the latest releases from all manufacturers, whenever they are big or small
- The Stuff of Legends: Incredible collection of miniature ranges, part-numbers, collections and manufacturers. Best internet source to search for references
- The Tale of Painters: Excellent blog about Games Workshop miniatures painting and occasional reviews
Model Kits
- Airfix
- Auto World: Multi-brand model kits
- Heller
- Hobby Boss
- Italeri
- Revell/
- Round2: Multi-brand model kits
- Tamiya
- Trumpeter
Old-School Renaissance (OSR)
Shopping (online stores)
- BitsBay: Warhammer and Warhammer 40k bitz. Also have full model "packs"
- Bitzarium: Warhammer and Warhammer 40k bitz (including Forgeworld's)
- ENWorld
- Forge World
- Gadgets +: 3D printed custom accessory components, like for imperial knights.
- Games Workshop
- Hero Forge: Design your own miniature and 3D-print it. Pricey but awesome
- Kromlech: Bits and accessories for Warhammer 40,000 miniatures
- PuppetsWar
- Raging Heroes
- Ral Partha
- Reaper Miniatures
- The Black Library: Book department of Games Workshop
- Wargames Atlantic: Some really good miniature alternatives/varieties to add to Warhammer Fantasy and 40k armies.
- Wayland Games
Tabletops, RPGs, VTTs
- 2-Minute Tabletop: Free & paid resources for tabletop and RPG games
- 2-Minute Token Editor: A great editor to choose and customize tokens for characters and enemies
- 10 best D&D map makers for dungeons, cities and worlds (2023 article)
- Dave's Mapper: Great online map generator and editor
- Dice Roller: A dice roller from inside Google's search page
- Donjon RPG Tools: Great collection of online random generation tools, from worlds and dungeons to names and adventures
- Dungeon Map Doddler: Dungeon mapping online tool
- Dungeon Scrawl: Dungeon mapping tool (My favourite one for quick maps)
- D&D Beyond: Official resources for Dungeons & Dragons
- Fantasy Grounds: Assistant/tracker for playing RPGs online. Semi-VTT.
- Fantasy Map Brushes: An amazing collection of free brushes to create beautiful maps
- Fantasy Map Generator
- Forgotten Realms: The Library
- Foundry Virtual Tabletop: Online Virtual TableTop system.
- Thousands of free icons for games
- Maps & Map tools: Both free and paid, good list
- Medieval Fantasy City Generator
- One-Page Dungeon generator
- Planet AD&D: Lots of resources, discontinued modules and software about the game
- ProFantasy Software: Map-making software (commercial)
- Roll20: Online Virtual TableTop system. Free tier available (alternatives)
- RPGGeek
- RPG Map Editor 2: Create cute maps easily
- RPG Stack Exchange
- RPTools
- Tabula Rasa - Item Cards: Create beautiful medieval/fantasy cards
- The Hypertext d20 SRD
- WorldBuilding StackExchange
Warhammer & Warhammer 40.000
- Bell of Lost Souls
- Bolter and Chainsword
- Fortress of the Unforgiven: Not updated since 2007, but still one of the best pages about the Dark Angels Space Marines chapter.
- Goonhammer: Another great news site
- Lexicanum
- List of Warhammer 40,000 novels: Priceless Wikipedia page
- Reddit: 40k
- Reddit: 40kLore