In the last GW shipment I made (which was lost and had to be sent again, thanks spanish GW customer support guys for the good service!), apart from more paints, a playing mat and a few props (pictures in the future when I have something actually painted!), I bought a building kit, and I've built a Basilica Administratum.
I've been again surprised on how things have changed, the kit comes in individual pieces to build like in The Sims videogames, placing walls, floors, junctions, columns and decorations.
It took me a while to build it (is really big once finished!), now I just need to stop time for some weeks and be able to paint it, but at least I can use it in my upcoming battles with Lobo666.
Anyway, here are some photos of the process:
Workplace with all matrixes categorized
Small modding, open door for the balcony (not an easy task!)
First floor done
Second floor
Third floor and balcony in place
Fourth floor
Upper balcony and decorations finished!
General view of the finished building
Detail of the upper balcony
Detail of the balcony and the open door
View from behind
Scale test with a Space Marine Deathwing terminator
Closeup scale test