UO Journal Entry #02262006

For the second time in few days, I've experienced something strange: It happens while I'm standing at Britannia's park.

A grey crow appears from nowhere, speaks some words, and then dissapears again...

Up to the moment he has said this two riddles (if they are so):

He travelled the six worlds
Do his eyes remain in this transient worlds?
The path he followed he choose not
Now he floats higher than any shadow

My face burns with crimson fire
My hair is a tangled mass
But at least my heart is clear
The moon will not brigthen this long night

Wow, I just knew that we've got two new GMs at the server. Seems that one of them (or one of the already existing ones) is doing something either to encourage me to play more, or to be more "alive" and just enjoy UO more.

I'll think about this riddles. For once in almost 2 years I'm having some fun (in UO) not killing monsters. I can't remember the last good quest I participated into (good = not a killing frenzy but one with background story, complex argument, and such).

UO Journal Entry #02262006 published @ by

Categories: Ultima Online

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