Increasing the Ork ranks


One of my christmas gifts was part of the new shipment of Ork units. I've got it since some weeks and I've finally started assembling the miniatures.

When everything is ready, the ork army will contain:

  • 1 x Ork warboss
  • 1 x Ork weirdboy
  • 1 x Ork mad dok
  • 1 x Ork mek
  • 1 x Squad of 6 ork nobz
  • 1 x Squad of 17 ork boyz
  • 3 x Squad of 20 ork boyz
  • 1 x Squad of 19 gretchin + 1 ork runtherd
  • 1 x Squad of 19 gretchin + 1 ork runtherd
  • 1 x Squad of 2 ork lootas + 2 ork burnas
  • 1 x Squad of 9 ork tankbustas
  • 6 x Bomb squigs
  • 2 x Ork trukks
  • 3 x Ork Deffkoptas
  • 6 x ork warbikes (1 of them is a nobz)
  • 1 x ork deff dread (dreadnought)

I haven't calculated the total points of the army, but having 120+ units starts to look like a good "green force" to be feared :)

I have plans of further increasing the army, but I hope not in the near future (I have dozens of miniatures to assembly yet...)... but depends on when the Stompa arrives }:)

Update: I should not go to GW stores... I bought additional forces and pre-ordered the mighty Stompa!

Increasing the Ork ranks published @ by

Categories: Miniatures Warhammer 40000

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