One thing that started as a mere decoration for my Dark Angel squads and captains and became a micro-hobby is keeping names of Space Marine characters that I find interesting or cool to be able to personalize each team and individual character. As I use Dark Angels I don't keep every name (e.g. Space Wolves or Ultramarines are not so suited for my green armoured pals), but if fun to research and find that many of the names come from the Bible, especially from the fallen angels names.
Whenever I read or find new appealing names I'll add them to this list.
- Abel
- Abraham
- Abraxas
- Achiles
- Acutus
- Adirael
- Agenor
- Alastor
- Alimon
- Alexios
- Amadeus
- Amael
- Amudiel
- Ananel
- Anaziel
- Antonius
- Apharan
- Apolo
- Araxiel
- Araziel
- Arbalan
- Arbalan
- Argus
- Artemis
- Asael
- Ashok
- Asmodai
- Asmodeus
- Astelan
- Astoran
- Atreus
- Augustus
- Azazel
- Azkeel
- Azrael
- Bael
- Balthasar
- Baradiel
- Bareus
- Basasael
- Bekenel
- Belath
- Belial
- Belphegor
- Benedict
- Bethor
- Boreas
- Broek
- Caiyne
- Calvin
- Cephesus
- Charan
- Chobabiel
- Chorazin
- Christos
- Claudius
- Constantine
- Cornelius
- Cyprus
- Daedalus
- Damas
- Damian
- Danel
- Dante
- Deimos
- Deis
- Diomedes
- Dionysios
- Dominus
- Duma
- Elias
- Eligor
- Epirus
- Erasmus
- Ertrael
- Estolas
- Ezequiel
- Ezekiah
- Ezekyle
- Fabius
- Flauros
- Gabriel
- Galedan
- Gaius
- Gervase
- Gideon
- Gieyus
- Glaucus
- Gregorian
- Grevius
- Gunther
- Hadrian
- Harken
- Hebron
- Hector
- Hegelian
- Helbron
- Helicaon
- Hephaestus
- Heracles
- Hesiod
- Hezekiah
- Horatius
- Icarus
- Ilych
- Ino
- Israfael
- Jacobus
- Jeremiah
- Julius
- Kaelen
- Kasbeel
- Kratos
- Korpheus
- Lazarus
- Leonardo
- Libra
- Lucius
- Luther
- Magnus
- Malach
- Marcus
- Markus
- Marius
- Matthias
- Melian
- Mellius
- Menelaus
- Merihim
- Michaelus
- Molochia
- Naman
- Nathaniel
- Nelchael
- Neleus
- Nergal
- Nero
- Nestor
- Nicodemus
- Noel
- Octavius
- Orias
- Orpheus
- Pasanius
- Paulo
- Paulus
- Persus
- Philotanus
- Pilgrim
- Prometheus
- Quintus
- Ramuel
- Ranaeus
- Raphael
- Ravager
- Rimmon
- Romulus
- Salamiel
- Sammael
- Sapphon
- Sarpedon
- Sartael
- Scipio
- Sebastien
- Septimus
- Sergius
- Seutonius
- Severus
- Sheol
- Silas
- Solomon
- Sophocles
- Spyridon
- Taddius
- Tamiel
- Tarquin
- Temion
- Thaddeus
- Theseus
- Tiberius
- Tidus
- Titus
- Tumael
- Turel
- Tyrael
- Uriel
- Urient
- Uval
- Uzza
- Uzziel
- Vargas
- Venatus
- Virgil
- Vepar
- Xerophus
- Yaziel
- Yousaf
- Zagiel
- Zahariel
- Zaltys
- Zeno